Tuesday, February 3, 2009

It's Not Just Me

One of the most vindicating moments of my service has been sitting here in my host family’s house, watching one of my little cousins – who can’t be more than 2 and a half – eating. Well, trying to, anyway. As you know, we use bread instead of utensils, and it has been my experience to eat far more bread than whatever it is that I’m trying to eat with it. Sometimes, I’m pretty much just eating bread and sauce while everyone else is enjoying delicious vegetables and meats, and that’s when nothing is more rewarding than to watch a two-year-old chasing a hunk of potato around a giant plate with a piece of bread, desperately trying to pick it up. Eventually, he had to get it with his hands.

I grabbed a piece, too. It tasted like sweet, sweet, cross-cultural justice.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Technically it's Wednesday in Morocco. That being said, "Happy birthday!" is also being said.

Happy birthday.

:D Celebrate it Morocco-style!