Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I'd been talking about it, especially since I'm here in Morocco and significantly less connected to the people I know than I used to be, despite the fact that I have Skype and satellite internet in my house. I've also been talking about how I think Facebook is ridiculous.

But, I did it. You know why? I got an email from mom that had pictures of her trip to Memphis (Tennessee, not Egypt), but it was a Facebook link. Two things happened. First, I wasn't able to see the pictures because I wasn't a member. Second, I thought, "Whoa, my mom's hipper than me."

So I made an account to fix both those problems. It's hard for me to feel hip giving in and joining Facebook, though; and I still haven't been able to see the pictures of Memphis yet, either.

Damn Facebook.

1 comment:

B said...

being far less judgmental than you in the ways of FB (maybe even a wee bit slutty, as I will befriend just about anyone, including junior high classmates who once regularly threatened to beat me up after school), I tried to find and befriend you ... with no success. Come find me instead and let me be your FB friend ... my full first name, and I'm in the Morocco network. Congrats on the kitten, too!